Dafür habe ich mir Luke's Laserschwert im 1:1 Format gegönnt.
Meine Wunschliste für's Heimkino:
- [s]Atlantean Sword aus "Conan the Barbarian"[/s]
- [s]Connor McLeod's Katana aus "Highlander"[/s]
- [s]Connor McLeod's Schwert aus "Highlander"[/s]
- Serpent Dagger aus "Conan the Barbarian"
- [s]Luke's Laserschwert aus "Star Wars"[/s]
- [s]Darth Vader's Laserschwert aus "Star Wars"[/s]
- [s]Darth Vader Helmet (Supreme Edition) aus "Star Wars"[/s]
- [s]Bill's Katana aus "Kill Bill"[/s]
- [s]The Bride's Katana aus "Kill Bill"[/s]
- [s]John Rambo's Messer aus "Rambo II"[/s]
- [s]Indy's Fedora aus "Indiana Jones"[/s]
- [s]Indy's Peitsche aus "Indiana Jones"[/s]
- [s]Indy's Machete aus "Indiana Jones II"[/s]
- [s]Sauron's Handschuh aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]The One Ring aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Anduril (Schwert von Aragorn, gemschmiedet aus den Bruchstücken von Narsil) aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Sting (Schwert von Frodo) aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Glamdring (Schwert von Gandalf) aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Die Krone von König Elessar (aka Aragorn) aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Das Licht von Earendil aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Brosche der Elben/Gefährten aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Arwens Abendstern aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Narya, Ring of Fire aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Nenya, Ring of Water aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]Vilya, Ring of Air aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- [s]T-800 Endoskeleton Life-Size Bust - Combat Version aus "Terminator 2: Judgment Day"[/s]
- [s]Kahless Bathlet aus "Star Trek"[/s]
- [s]300 Schwert[/s]
- [s]Elizabeth Swann Necklace (Goldmünze) aus "Pirates of the Caribbean"[/s]
- [s]Davy Jones's Key aus "Pirates of the Caribbean II & III"[/s]
- [s]Tia Dalma Necklace aus "Pirates of the Caribbean II & III"[/s]
- [s]Kommunikator aus "Star Trek Classic"[/s]
- [s]Phaser aus "Star Trek Classic"[/s]
- [s]Tricorder aus "Star Trek Classic"[/s]
Nett wären vielleicht noch
- [s]Gandalf's Zauberstab aus "The Lord of the Rings"[/s]
- Han Solo's Blaster aus "Star Wars"
- Wolverine's Claws aus "X-Men"
- Ring of Evil from "The Phantom"
- Ring of Good from "The Phantom"
- [s]Sweeney Todd Razor aus "Sweeney Todd"[/s]
- Harry's Wand aus "Harry Potter"
- Dumbledore's Wand aus "Harry Potter"
- Voldemort's Wand aus "Harry Potter"